FRENCH, ITALIAN & MEDITERRANEAN SPECIALTIES Pearl is the name of our avant-garde restaurant serving unique French, Italian and Mediterranean cuisine. We have created a series of different menus for the perfect blend of gastronomic delights.
Surrender to an exquisite experience while enjoying a glamorous dinner in our paradise-like Pearl, which harmonizes perfectly with the magic of our clothing-optional resort. We will seduce your palate in every bite. Here we have created a perfect menu to blend multiple cultures that are rich in flavors and give you delicious dishes that French, Italian and Mediterranean have for you. Enjoy unbelievable moments with your partner as you surrender to the seductions you will feel in every dish. Our clothing optional resort wants you to enjoy the unique experiences and PEARL will be ready to share the magic of Desire Pearl.
Dinner only.
Open from 6:00 p.m. to 10:00 p.m.
No reservation required.
Dress code: sensual elegant.
8275 S Eastern Ave, Ste 200
Las Vegas, NV, 89123
United States
(877) 702-5576 – US & Canada
01 800 269 13 18 or 01 998 287 30 70 – Mexico
+1 (702) 560-0669 – International
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